Upcoming Dates:Those planning on helping Tina with the Basket Raffles, please notify Buddha or Tina at your earliest convenience. Baskets may be donated at any time, but the sooner the better. Any monetary donations please write the check out to Charles Nelms or bring cash.
– TBA -Clean Bunk Room
TBA- Field Day
at the After Battery
– working party – as needed
Week of 30 March- 05 April, 2025
After Battery Hog Roast Sunday 30 March April – field opens for Hog Roast early arrivals(Please call old man Buddha to reserve an area)
Monday 31 March 2025
Tuesday 02 April – Porta-Potties arrive for the Jane Fonda Memorial Wall construction
Wednesday 03 April – Eddie Bowles , 2025
Thursday 03 April
Friday 04 April, 2025 –
Saturday 05 April, 2025 Hog Served ~13:00-14:00
WWII Vets first served… Combat Vets to follow…
And, “Always Act Like A Submarine Sailor”A Veteran died today.
HOG ROAST IN THE SWAMP 2025, April 05, 2025!!
Field will open March 30, 2025. Call Buddha 843-709-4867 to reserve a space.
Reminder: The last working party is (date). Muster at (time)–final setups of tents, banners, etc.
Food: Side dishes are welcome all week long during the Hog Roast. We have plenty of refer space, so no concerns there.
Donations: We appreciate the many items sent for the basket raffles. The raffles are a significant part of our fund raising and the Hog Roast. We have plenty of storage space for additional raffle items.
The Pig Roast 2025 will be April 05, 2025. Trailers, Tents welcome to setup, but you need to reserve a spot. Meals will not be served every day. Hot Dogs, buns and possibly a pot of chili will be available during the week with meals served Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the Pig Roast Saturday, April 05, 2025.
Helpers and Workers: As anyone knows this is no one man operation. We need as much help as we can get. What we need to know is: are you staying up here or going back and forth and what you can do and how long will you be available and when? I mean specifics.
RVs, Camping, Tents, Hotels
This event is put on by submariners and their friends – for submariners, military, first responders, Law Enforcement, and their friends. There is no charge – we don’t charge anything – but we willingly accept donations (send a donation by dropping a check by The After Battery or by mailing a check to Buddha. (address below)
Just so there’s no question about the location – use this address in your gps: 120 Sawdust Lane Dorchester, SC 29437. Or, if you prefer, use these coordinates: 33.148023 N & 80.385074 W.
Important dates: The date of the actual hog roast in 2025 is April 05, 2025.- As always, if you have any questions just call us at 843-709-4867 and a smiling polite Torpedoman will assist you.
Camping: We will be accepting campers on the grounds anytime beginning March 30, 2025. If you want to camp on the site. You must go through Buddha to book your spot. He needs to know what type of a camping rig you are bringing and the dimensions.
Call Buddha at 843-709-4867
Important – you must book with Buddha because we only have so many spots and we have to control where campers will be parked. If you are towing a camper, you must enter on the gas line gate. This will be well marked out on the road where you turn in to Buddha’s property.
About 20 yards away there will be a sign marked The After Battery pointing to Buddha’s driveway and if you are not towing a camper then enter there.
All generators must be secured from 2200 until after morning colors (no exceptions due to the carbon monoxide poisoning risk). If you need electricity during the night to run your CPAP machine, let us know when you report your arrival date and we will make every effort to get you power.
For those of you that desire to camp in a commercial RV site with hookups, there is a campground about 8 miles away. It is Jolly Acres RV Park and Storage. Their email is: [email protected] Their phone number is 843-563-8303. Visit them on the web at www.syrrrun.com
Beverages: Iced Cold Can Beer and an open bar will be provided at no charge as well as soft drinks and water.
Porta Potties: We have only one indoor head at the After Battery and it can handle 5 people at a time in a pinch. e.g. a Torpedoman at the urinal pissing on Jane Fonda, an MT squatting for monthly maintenance, An Auxilaryman eating a barbecue sandwich just in case we had a back up, The Bull Nuke standing at the door coordinating and the corpsman washing his hands for all 5. After discussing this at length we decided to let the ladies have the head and we will have the outdoor porta potties for others. Since we are having outside porta potties we still need a Porta Pottie Commodore to restock the tissue and clean up and sanitize.
Poker Games: We will have constant poker games (big and small stakes) going on from Monday thru Saturday.
Apparel: We still have hats, T shirts, and Koozies for sale. Remember we will (click the store link above) and either pay cash or by check at The After Battery. Also we take cash and we will take your check and if you’re not satisfied – your money back.
Hotels: If you’re staying in a hotel the best and closest place to The After Battery is Exit 199 of I-26 in Summerville, SC. That’s about 20 minutes from the After Battery. There are 5 or 6 hotels at that exit and plenty of restaurants and a Walmart and any other stuff you might need.
Raffle Baskets and Depth Charge Drawing
Raffle Baskets: We will have raffle baskets and donations are welcome. Any of those unwanted Christmas gifts can be re-gifted to our Raffle Baskets. These baskets will be raffled off on (date) to raise money for expenses.
Depth Charge Drawing: There will be one Depth Charge drawing and we will begin selling tickets on (TBA). The winning ticket will be drawn (April 05, 2025) after dinner. 50% to the winner and 50% to the After Battery to help defer our costs. Red Tickets and Red Tickets only will be used for this event. Tickets are $1.00 each or $10.00 for twenty tickets. YOU MAY BUY AS MANY TICKETS AS YOU WANT.
Frequently Asked Questions??
1. How can I make a donation for the Hog Roast?? (Donations are always welcome. If you would like to contribute, make checks payable to:
Charles Nelms
120 Sawdust Lane
Dorchester, SC 29437
2. Who do I call if I have questions? (Call Charles Steven “Buddha” Nelms 843-709-4867)