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History of The After Battery
Boring and Shameless Self Promotion – The Story of The After Battery
In August 2004, two ‘smokeboat’ torpedomen, Steve ‘Buddha’ Nelms (on the left) & David ‘No Neck’ Mueller (on the right), decided that they missed their earlier days in the Submarine Force. Gone were the card games and get togethers, the drinking of brown water and cold beer, eating good food and last, but not least, hard-assing the troops.
The next week, we had a card game with 6 people. We brought our own beer and a few bags of potato chips. We sat in a hot barn and swatted flies and mosquitoes. A fan blew the cards off the tablet-but we had a good time. We laughed and hard-assed everybody.
Now, over 14 years later, we have central heat and air, a bar, a huge beer cooler, a galley, a 2 hole unisex head with a urinal that has Jane Fonda’s picture in it and more submarine memorabilia than a big horse can shit. We have the ship’s bells from two different submarines, a sink from the torpedo room of another submarine and all the tools to make a MK 14 Torpedo ready (like that’s going to happen).
Every Wednesday night, we have a social – we say a blessing, pledge allegiance to the flag, eat a fine Navy supper, play poker, and bullshit. We’ve had oyster roasts, hog roasts, and boat reunions – some with 300 people in attendance. Our brothers from the New London area, the group that puts on the Old Salts Pig Roast in Rhode Island, have supported us too. They’ve been putting on big sprees for 25 years – we’re just rookies. Our New London area friends have their hog roast on the first weekend in August, we have ours on or about the first weekend in April. This covers the entire east coast for a yearly gathering of submarine sailors.
Between our two groups, we draw people from all over the country (even from the left coast). Many people attend both functions (with livers protesting).
This place was built by submarine sailors and their friends. ‘Their friends’ covers a lot of folks -Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Canadian Submariners, and all types of civilians. Their are no “I’s” up here – just a long butt ton of “we’s”. This place was built by donations and hard work by many people from all walks of life – not just we submariners.
We have an email list, and to be a member of The After Battery, click on the Contact Us link on the Home Page, and ask to be put on the email list (don’t forget to include your first and last names). Also, if you are on the email list, we consider you to be a member. But a caveat…our emails may sometimes be in colorful submarine terminology that’s not always fit to read in the ladies’ knitting circle – If you get My drift. Now you’ve been advised.
We’re affiliated with no other group. We’ve no national organization, no dues, no board of directors, no politicians, and absolutely no ‘Roberts Rules of Fucking Order’. Our philosophy is -we would love to have you join us – but if you don’t like the way we do things, then go down the fucking street. All of our functions are strictly by donation. We support all US Forces. God bless America.
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Submit names to Buddha.

Check out the GREAT website! Gene Slovers US Naval Pages
Share the big news-in development
Our new site is under development. Please bear with us during this time of change. To view the old FaceBook page, click The After Battery Facebook Old. The old website can be viewed at
Display their FAQs
1. What is The After Battery?- A private Club of all military services.
Some may ask, ” What was an After Battery?” To see an explanation, read the article below.
We are located at 120 Sawdust Lane, Dorchester, SC 29437 (for map click hyperlink)
Picture Album
Ship’s Store
Hats, Shirts, Patches and everything a good Sailor should have.
To sign up for our email list, click this link
and tell us your name, email address and your zip code.
The After Battery Location:
120 Sawdust Lane, Dorchester, South Carolina 29437, United States
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